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Microsoft Modern Workplace

PL-400T00: Microsoft Power Platform Developer

Mithilfe von Microsoft Power Platform können Organisationen ihre Abläufe optimieren, indem sie Geschäftsaufgaben und -prozesse vereinfachen, automatisieren und transformieren.

Was werden Sie in diesem Seminar erlernen?

In diesem Training erfahren die Trainingsteilnehmer, wie Sie Power Apps erstellen, Abläufe automatisieren und die Plattform erweitern, um Geschäftsanforderungen zu erfüllen und komplexe Geschäftsprobleme zu lösen.


  • How to build your first model-driven app with Dataverse
    • Introduction to model-driven apps
    • Model-driven apps, powered by Microsoft Dataverse
    • Explore sample apps
  • Get started with model-driven apps in Power Apps
    • Introducing model-driven apps
    • Components of model-driven apps
    • Design model-driven apps
  • Manage tables in Dataverse
    • Identify tables and table types in Dataverse
    • Create a custom table
    • Enable attachments within a table
    • Licensing requirements for each table type
    • Lab - Create a new custom table and enable attachments
  • Create and manage columns within a table in Dataverse
    • Define columns in Microsoft Dataverse
    • Column types in Microsoft Dataverse
    • Add a column to a table
    • Create a primary name column
    • Restrictions that apply to columns in a table
    • Create an auto numbering column
  • Working with choices in Dataverse
    • Define choice column
    • Standard choices column
    • Lab - Create a new choice or modify an existing choice
  • Create a relationship between tables in Dataverse
    • Relate one or more tables - Introduction
    • Relationship types that are available in Microsoft Dataverse
    • Create a one-to-many relationship between tables
    • Create a many-to-many relationship between tables
  • Define and create business rules in Dataverse
    • Define business rules - Introduction
    • Define the components of a business rule
  • Create and define calculation or rollup columns in Dataverse
    • Introduction to rollup columns
    • Create a rollup column
    • Introduction to calculation columns
    • Create a calculation column
  • Get started with security roles in Dataverse
    • Introduction to environment roles
    • Understand environment roles
    • Adding or disabling an environment user
    • Understand security concepts in Dataverse
    • Understand user security roles and security role defaults
    • Exercise - Create a custom role
    • Check the roles that a user belongs to
    • Configure Dataverse teams for security
  • Get started with Power Apps canvas apps
    • Introduction to Power Apps
    • Power Apps building blocks
    • Exercise - Create your first app in Power Apps
    • Ways to build Power Apps
    • Power Apps related technologies
    • Additional Power Apps related technologies
  • Customize a canvas app in Power Apps
    • Improve apps by making basic customizations in Power Apps
    • Create a navigation model for your canvas app
    • Explore screens and controls in Power Apps
  • Manage apps in Power Apps
    • Navigation in a canvas app in Power Apps
      • Understanding navigation
      • The navigation and back function
      • Lab - Create navigation functions
    • How to build the UI in a canvas app in Power Apps
      • Use themes to quickly change the appearance of your app
      • Branding a control
      • Icons
      • Images
      • Personalization
    • Use and understand Controls in a canvas app in Power Apps
      • Introduction to controls
      • Core properties of controls
      • Entering and displaying data with text controls
      • Additional controls for enhancing your app's usability
      • Media
      • Lab - Create a canvas app with unique controls
    • Document and test your Power Apps application
      • Create test plans
      • User interface testing
      • Performance optimization
      • Diagnostics and analytics
      • Documentation and the customer
    • Use imperative development techniques for canvas apps in Power Apps
      • Imperative versus declarative development
      • The three types of variables in Power Apps
      • Global variables
      • Contextual variables
      • Collections
    • Create formulas that use tables, records, and collections in a canvas app in Power Apps
      • Formulas that process multiple records
      • Math operations on tables
      • Combine and separate records
      • The ForAll function
    • Perform custom updates in a Power Apps canvas app
      • Sometimes you need something more than forms
      • Using the Patch function to create and edit records
      • Deleting record(s) from data sources and collections
    • Complete testing and performance checks in a Power Apps canvas app
      • The importance of thinking about performance
      • Improve performance with data sources
    • Work with relational data in a Power Apps canvas app
      • Work with relationships in Power Apps
      • Microsoft Dataverse for apps makes relationships even easier
    • Work with data source limits (delegation limits) in a Power Apps canvas app
      • Delegation overview
      • Functions, predicates, and data sources combine to determine delegation
    • Connect to other data in a Power Apps canvas app
      • Overview of the different data sources
      • Work with action-based data sources
      • Power Automate is a companion to Power Apps
      • Use custom connectors in a Power Apps canvas app
      • Overview of custom connectors
      • Overview of the custom connector lifecycle
    • Get started with Power Automate
      • Introducing Power Automate
    • Build approval flows with Power Automate
      • Introduction to expressions in Power Automate
        • Introduction to expressions
        • Get started with expressions
        • Notes make things easier
        • Types of functions
        • Write complex expressions
      • Introduction to Microsoft Power Platform developer resources
        • Introduction to Microsoft Power Platform for Developers
        • Overview of Microsoft Dataverse and the Common Data Model
        • Extending Power Platform with Azure
      • Use developer tools to extend Microsoft Power Platform
        • Introduction to developer Microsoft Power Platform tooling
        • Solutions overview
      • Introduction to extending Microsoft Power Platform
        • Introduction
        • User experience extensibility
        • Microsoft Dataverse extensibility
      • Introduction to Dataverse for developers
        • Introduction to developing with Microsoft Dataverse
        • Microsoft Dataverse extensibility model
      • Extend plug-ins
        • Introduction to Plug-ins
        • Plug-ins usage scenarios
        • Custom workflow extensions
      • Performing common actions with client script
        • Introduction to client-side scripting
        • Upload scripts
        • Event handlers
        • Context objects
      • Automate business process flows with client script
        • Introduction to conducting global operations with the client API Xrm object
        • Client scripting best practices
      • Get started with Power Apps component framework
        • Introduction to Power Apps component framework
        • Power Apps component framework architecture
        • Power Apps component tooling
      • Build a Power Apps component
        • Introduction to creating a code component
        • Create a code component solution package
      • Use advanced features with Power Apps component framework
        • Introduction to using React within a Power Apps component
        • Use the formatting API in a Power Apps component
        • Use the Microsoft Dataverse web API in a Power Apps component
        • Write a pop-up Power Apps component
      • Work with Dataverse Web API
        • Introduction to the Microsoft Dataverse Web API
        • Authenticate against Microsoft Dataverse by using OAuth
        • Interact with Microsoft Dataverse Web API by using Postman
        • Use OData to query data
        • Use FetchXML to query data
        • Call Power Automate actions from the Web API
        • Use the Web API to impersonate another user
      • Integrate Dataverse Azure solutions
        • Microsoft Dataverse Azure Solutions overview
        • Expose Microsoft Dataverse data to Azure Service Bus
        • Write a Service Bus Event Listener that consumes Microsoft Dataverse messages
        • Publish Microsoft Dataverse events with webhooks




      Infos zur Zertifizierung


      10.03.2025 (5 Tage) Garantietermin
      3190,00 EUR zzgl. 19% MwSt.

      02.06.2025 (5 Tage)
      3190,00 EUR zzgl. 19% MwSt.

      25.08.2025 (5 Tage)
      3190,00 EUR zzgl. 19% MwSt.

      24.11.2025 (5 Tage) Garantietermin
      3190,00 EUR zzgl. 19% MwSt.

      Teilnehmer:in buchen für:

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      Teilnehmende Person
      Rechnungsadresse (falls abweichend)
      Anzahl: 1
      E-Preis netto:
      MwSt. 19%:
      Gesamt brutto:

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      Ihr Ansprechpartner: Andreas Stammhammer

      Andreas Stammhammer

      Standorte Braunschweig und Hannover

      Gerne stehe ich Ihnen persönlich bei allen Fragen zur Verfügung!
      Telefon: 0531 70224942
      E-Mail: a.stammhammer@kaemmer-consulting.de

      Ihre Angaben

      Pfllichtfelder sind mit * markiert

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