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Hier finden Sie unsere Termine im Bereich "Microsoft technische Seminare" mit Durchführungsgarantie!

Seminare Microsoft Business Apps

In unseren praxisorientierten Seminaren bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit, sich mit den Core Solutions of Microsoft Skype for Business vertraut zu machen und in unserem Cloud Workshop: Mobile app Innovation tiefer in die Welt der mobilen Anwendungen einzutauchen.  Entdecken Sie die vielfältigen Funktionen von Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales und lernen Sie, wie Sie dieses leistungsstarke Tool effektiv in Ihrem Unternehmen einsetzen können. Unsere Seminare umfassen auch spezialisierte Schulungen zu Dynamics 365 Customer Service, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die besten Lösungen für die Kundenzufriedenheit implementieren können.

Besondere Benefits:

  • Höchste Qualität der Trainings: profitieren Sie von der exzellenten Qualität der Schulungen mit zertifizierten und praxisorientierten Trainern., denn unser Partner brainymotion AG ist Microsoft Certified Gold Partner für Trainings!
  • Zertifizierungen: Boosten Sie Ihre Exertise und Karriere durch Qualifzierung. Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht der Qualifizierungsmöglichkeiten.
  • 100 % Durchführungsgarantie: wir bieten Ihnen schon jetzt über 100 Termine, mit denen Sie ein Durchführungsgarantie erhalten. So haben Sie Planungssicherheit.
  • Rabatt für jedes Training: Sie erhalten durch uns als Partner bei der Buchung 5 - 10 % Rabatt auf jedes Microsoft Training.*

* 5% Rabatt bei einer einzelnen Buchung, 7,5% bei gleichzeitiger Buchung von zwei Terminen oder Teilnehmern und 10% Rabatt bei gleichzeitiger Buchung von drei Terminen oder Teilnehmern! Der Rabatt wird bei der Rechnungsstellung automatisch abgezogen.


AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials (E)

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Was werden Sie in diesem Seminar erlernen?

Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Personen, die ein Gesamtverständnis der Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud aufbauen möchten, unabhängig von spezifischen technischen Rollen. Sie werden vieles über AWS Cloud-Konzepte, AWS-Services, Sicherheit, Architektur, Preisgestaltung und Support lernen, um Ihr AWS Cloud-Wissen aufzubauen. Dieser Kurs hilft Ihnen auch, sich für die Prüfung zum AWS Certified Cloud Practicioner vorzubereiten. *Beschreiben der grundlegenden globalen Infrastruktur der AWS Cloud und ihrer sechs Vorteile *Beschreiben von und nennen von Beispielen für zentrale AWS-Services, z. B. Datenverarbeitungs-, Netzwerk-, Datenbank- und Speicherdienste *Beschreiben des AWS Well-Architected Framework, des Modells der gemeinsamen Verantwortung, der wichtigsten Sicherheitsservices innerhalb der AWS Cloud und der Grundlagen der AWS Cloud-Migration *Formulieren der finanziellen Vorteile der AWS Cloud für das Kostenmanagement eines Unternehmens, Definieren der wichtigsten Abrechnungs-, Kontoverwaltungs- und Preismodelle und Erklären der Verwendung von Preisgestaltungstools, mit denen Sie kosteneffiziente Entscheidungen für AWS-Services treffen können.



Course Final Assessment

Solve questions similar to those found within the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification examination

Module 6: Security

Explain the benefits of the shared responsibility model

Describe multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Differentiate between the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) security levels

Describe security policies at a basic level

Explain the benefits of AWS Organizations

Summarize the benefits of compliance with AWS

Explain primary AWS security services at a basic level

Module 5: Storage and Databases

Summarize the basic concept of storage and databases

Describe benefits of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)

Describe benefits of Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

Describe the benefits of Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)

Summarize various storage solutions

Describe the benefits of Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)

Describe the benefits of Amazon DynamoDB

Summarize various database services

Module 5: Storage and Databases

Summarize the basic concept of storage and databases

Describe benefits of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)

Describe benefits of Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

Describe the benefits of Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)

Summarize various storage solutions

Describe the benefits of Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)

Describe the benefits of Amazon DynamoDB

Summarize various database services

Module 5: Storage and Databases

Summarize the basic concept of storage and databases

Describe benefits of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)

Describe benefits of Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

Describe the benefits of Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)

Summarize various storage solutions

Describe the benefits of Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)

Describe the benefits of Amazon DynamoDB

Summarize various database services

Module 4: Networking

Describe the basic concepts of networking

Describe the difference between public and private networking resources

Explain a virtual private gateway using a real life scenario

Explain a virtual private network (VPN) using a real life scenario

Describe the benefit of AWS Direct Connect

Describe the benefit of hybrid deployments

Describe the layers of security used in an IT strategy

Describe which services are used to interact with the AWS global network

Module 4: Networking

Describe the basic concepts of networking

Describe the difference between public and private networking resources

Explain a virtual private gateway using a real life scenario

Explain a virtual private network (VPN) using a real life scenario

Describe the benefit of AWS Direct Connect

Describe the benefit of hybrid deployments

Describe the layers of security used in an IT strategy

Describe which services are used to interact with the AWS global network

Module 6: Security

Explain the benefits of the shared responsibility model

Describe multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Differentiate between the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) security levels

Describe security policies at a basic level

Explain the benefits of AWS Organizations

Summarize the benefits of compliance with AWS

Explain primary AWS security services at a basic level

Module 4: Networking

Describe the basic concepts of networking

Describe the difference between public and private networking resources

Explain a virtual private gateway using a real life scenario

Explain a virtual private network (VPN) using a real life scenario

Describe the benefit of AWS Direct Connect

Describe the benefit of hybrid deployments

Describe the layers of security used in an IT strategy

Describe which services are used to interact with the AWS global network

Module 4: Networking

Summarize additional AWS compute options

Describe the basic concept of Availability Zones

Summarize additional AWS compute options

Compare different methods for provisioning AWS services

Module 4: Networking

Summarize additional AWS compute options

Describe the basic concept of Availability Zones

Describe the benefits of Amazon CloudFront and Edge locations

Compare different methods for provisioning AWS services

Module 2: Compute in the Cloud

Describe the benefits of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) at a basic level

Identify the different Amazon EC2 instance types

Differentiate between the various billing options for Amazon EC2

Describe the benefits of Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Summarize the benefits of Elastic Load Balancing

Give an example of the uses for Elastic Load Balancing

Summarize the differences between Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) and Amazon Simple Queue Services (Amazon SQS)

Summarize additional AWS compute options

Module 2: Compute in the Cloud

Describe the benefits of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) at a basic level

Identify the different Amazon EC2 instance types

Differentiate between the various billing options for Amazon EC2

Describe the benefits of Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Summarize the benefits of Elastic Load Balancing

Give an example of the uses for Elastic Load Balancing

Summarize the differences between Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) and Amazon Simple Queue Services (Amazon SQS)

Summarize additional AWS compute options

Module 2: Compute in the Cloud

Describe the benefits of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) at a basic level

Identify the different Amazon EC2 instance types

Differentiate between the various billing options for Amazon EC2

Describe the benefits of Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Summarize the benefits of Elastic Load Balancing

Give an example of the uses for Elastic Load Balancing

Summarize the differences between Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) and Amazon Simple Queue Services (Amazon SQS)

Summarize additional AWS compute options

Module 1: Introduction to Amazon Web Services

Summarize the benefits of AWS

Describe differences between on-demand delivery and cloud deployments

Summarize the pay-as-you-go pricing model

Module 4: Networking

Summarize additional AWS compute options

Describe the basic concept of Availability Zones

Describe the benefits of Amazon CloudFront and Edge locations

Compare different methods for provisioning AWS services

Module 6: Security

Explain the benefits of the shared responsibility model

Describe multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Differentiate between the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) security levels

Describe security policies at a basic level

Explain the benefits of AWS Organizations

Summarize the benefits of compliance with AWS

Explain primary AWS security services at a basic level

Module 7: Monitoring and Analytics

Summarize approaches to monitoring your AWS environment

Describe the benefits of Amazon CloudWatch

Describe the benefits of AWS CloudTrail

Describe the benefits of AWS Trusted Advisor

Module 7: Monitoring and Analytics

Summarize approaches to monitoring your AWS environment

Describe the benefits of Amazon CloudWatch

Describe the benefits of AWS CloudTrail

Describe the benefits of AWS Trusted Advisor

Course Final Assessment

Solve questions similar to those found within the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification examination

Course Final Assessment

Solve questions similar to those found within the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification examination

Challenge Labs

Challenge Labs

Challenge Labs

Module 10: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Basics

Determine resources for preparing for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner examination

Describe benefits of becoming AWS Certified

Module 10: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Basics

Determine resources for preparing for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner examination

Describe benefits of becoming AWS Certified

Module 10: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Basics

Determine resources for preparing for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner examination

Describe benefits of becoming AWS Certified

Module 9: Migration and Innovation

Understand migration and innovation in the AWS Cloud

Summarize the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF)

Summarize six key factors of a cloud migration strategy

Describe the benefits of various AWS data migration solutions, such as AWS Snowcone, AWS Snowball, and AWS Snowmobile

Summarize the broad scope of innovative solutions that AWS offers

Summarize the five pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework

Module 9: Migration and Innovation

Understand migration and innovation in the AWS Cloud

Summarize the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF)

Summarize six key factors of a cloud migration strategy

Describe the benefits of various AWS data migration solutions, such as AWS Snowcone, AWS Snowball, and AWS Snowmobile

Summarize the broad scope of innovative solutions that AWS offers

Summarize the five pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework

Module 9: Migration and Innovation

Understand migration and innovation in the AWS Cloud

Summarize the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF)

Summarize six key factors of a cloud migration strategy

Describe the benefits of various AWS data migration solutions, such as AWS Snowcone, AWS Snowball, and AWS Snowmobile

Summarize the broad scope of innovative solutions that AWS offers

Summarize the five pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework

Module 8: Pricing and Support

Understand AWS pricing and support models

Describe the AWS Free Tier

Describe key benefits of AWS Organizations and consolidated billing

Explain the benefits of AWS Budgets

Explain the benefits of AWS Cost Explorer

Explain the primary benefits of the AWS Pricing Calculator

Distinguish between the various AWS Support Plans

Describe the benefits of AWS Marketplace

Module 8: Pricing and Support

Understand AWS pricing and support models

Describe the AWS Free Tier

Describe key benefits of AWS Organizations and consolidated billing

Explain the benefits of AWS Budgets

Explain the benefits of AWS Cost Explorer

Explain the primary benefits of the AWS Pricing Calculator

Distinguish between the various AWS Support Plans

Describe the benefits of AWS Marketplace

Module 8: Pricing and Support

Understand AWS pricing and support models

Describe the AWS Free Tier

Describe key benefits of AWS Organizations and consolidated billing

Explain the benefits of AWS Budgets

Explain the benefits of AWS Cost Explorer

Explain the primary benefits of the AWS Pricing Calculator

Distinguish between the various AWS Support Plans

Describe the benefits of AWS Marketplace

Module 7: Monitoring and Analytics

Summarize approaches to monitoring your AWS environment

Describe the benefits of Amazon CloudWatch

Describe the benefits of AWS CloudTrail

Describe the benefits of AWS Trusted Advisor

Module 1: Introduction to Amazon Web Services

Summarize the benefits of AWS

Describe differences between on-demand delivery and cloud deployments

Summarize the pay-as-you-go pricing model

Module 1: Introduction to Amazon Web Services

Summarize the benefits of AWS

Describe differences between on-demand delivery and cloud deployments

Summarize the pay-as-you-go pricing model





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Ihr Ansprechpartner: Andreas Stammhammer

Andreas Stammhammer

Standorte Braunschweig und Hannover

Gerne stehe ich Ihnen persönlich bei allen Fragen zur Verfügung!
Telefon: 0531 70224942
E-Mail: a.stammhammer@kaemmer-consulting.de

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